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"EN-EXP" Questionnaire

Questionnaire on changes due to experience in person-centered encounter groups, workshops or relationships  
Version 1.2 from 22/03/2013  
© Renate Motschnig & Ladislav Nykl  

As a consequence of my engagement with the Person-Centered Approach and in particular as an effect of this workshop or group you may feel you’re moving towards:

Less … -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 … more 

… of some particular characteristic. Please select your estimated value (between - 4 for “much less”, 0 for “no movement”, and +4 for “much more”) from the Selection following each question. Thank you for your cooperation! We do hope this self-assessment will contribute to heightening your awareness of the direction in which you are developing personally and thus improve your learning as much as it helps us as PCA-researchers to make sense of encounter meetings. If you have questions don’t hesitate to ask.

In each of the following 24 items below please estimate your movement towards: 
1. Putting off facades, shelters, or masks behind which I can hide to protect myself. (Examples of such defense mechanisms are excuses, lies, lengthy explanations, pretending, etc.)
2. Being oneself, being real, being in contact with my feelings in my way
3. Making sense of my feelings. Considering my feelings as revealing valuable information.
4. Having more confidence and desire in making my own choices, guiding my life
5. Openness and sensitivity to what is going on in me
6. Openness towards the experience, reactions and feelings of others and their realities/perspectives
7. Loosening of rigidly held beliefs, prejudices, behavioral patterns or fixed constructs (Example for a fixed construct: This is how things are or ought to be, no matter what is going on at this moment)
8. Sensitivity towards others and acceptance or appreciation of others for what they are
9. Acknowledging multiple perspectives, behaviors, and pathways of peers or partners
10. Trying to understand others from their point of view
11. Finding more versatile, creative ways in dealing with situations, persons, problems
12. Being energized and up to something
13. Finding value in what the other expresses and how he/she articulates him-/herself (in words, body-language, tone of voice, gestures, …)
14. Finding value in articulating and sharing something about myself (e.g. my experience, thoughts, feelings, meanings, …)
15. Finding value in communicative exchanges with others
16. Positive valuing of deep relationships
17. Feeling gratitude (thankfulness) for my experience in the group, workshop or outside
18. Being more at peace with the group process and trustful that it leads in a constructive direction
19. Trusting the totality of experience more than just trusting the intellect
20. Bringing into being more of my potentials
21. Being motivated to find out more about the Person-Centered Approach
22. Being interested in staying in contact with other group/workshop participants
23. Wanting to engage in encounter groups or workshops in the future.
24. Feeling that I have already learned everything regarding the PCA and can stop at this point.
Any other movement you want to indicate (please specify): 

Thank you for your contribution! On the next section a few other questions follow to find out how you feel about your movement and what, in your view, caused it.

Dislike!rather dislikeneutralrather likelike!
a) In general, do you like or dislike your movement? Please select the phrase that applies best:
What, in your view, caused your movement? Please respond in a few words or phrases 
Not at all!rather nonot sure if yes / norather yesYes!
c) Did you feel accepted in the group or workshop? Please select the phrase that applies best:
d) Did you feel empathically understood in the group or workshop? Please select the phrase that applies best:
e) Did you feel there was appropriate realness and openness in the group or workshop? Please select the phrase that applies best:
f) Did you find filling out the questionnaire helpful for you personally? Please select the phrase that applies best:
If no, please share the reason, thanks. 
Please share 3-5 adjectives that describe the group or workshop from your perspective: 
Anything else you’d like to share: 

Sincere thanks! If you like to participate in the research of person-centered groups or workshops please let us know.