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Read until 18.10.2016
Read Sections 1-5 until 18.10.2016
1. Algorithmic variants of matrix multiplication
- deadline: 27.10.2016, 23:59
2. Solving linear systems of equations
Part A: Variants of LU Decomposition
- deadline: 22.11.2016, 23:59
- Reading material: [blocked LU decomposition]
Part B: Solving Triangular Linear Systems of Equations
- deadline: 26.11.2016, 23:59 (extended)
25.11.2016, 23:59
Part C: Experimental Evaluation of the Complete Solver
- deadline: 2.12.2016, 23:59 (extended)
29.11.2016, 23:59
3. Inverse iteration vs. Rayleigh quotient iteration
- deadline: 20.12.2016, 23:59 (extended)
* example makefile: [file:Makefile|Makefile] /** * [|Framework for experiments]
==== 2. Solving a Triangular Linear System of Equations
* deadline: 21.04.2016, 12:00 (noon)
==== 3. Numerical Accuracy of LU-Based Linear Solver
* deadline: 5.05.2016, 23:59
* example solution for Homework 1: [|code LU factorization]
==== 4. Iterative Refinement for Linear Systems of Equations
* deadline: 23.05.2016, 23:59
Final Projects
Assigned project topics (ATTENTION - important update of submission rules for presentation slides on 18.1.2017)
[file:ProjectsSS2016.pdf|Details for each project] !! ***updated 15.6.2016!*** !!
Final submission of all presentations: !!20.6.2016, 11:59 (noon)!!
Presentations (!!max. 7 minutes per person!!)
* !!21.6.2016!!: Projects 1,2,3,4,5,10
* !!23.6.2016!!: Projects 6,7,8,9,11,12
Final submission of all project reports: !!30.6.2016, 23:59!!
==== 1.1 Further Optimization of Matrix-Multiplication (voluntary)
* bis 22.04.2014 23:59
==== 2. Linear Systems with Hilbert Matrices
* deadline: 16.04.2015, 23:59
==== 4. Householder QR Factorization
* deadline: 4.06.2015, 23:59
==== 4. High Performance Dense Linear Solver
* deadline: 3.06.2014, 12:00
* Reading material: [file:Cole.pdf|[Cole]], [file:Toledo.pdf|[Toledo]]
==== 6. Inverse Iteration vs. Rayleigh Quotient Iteration
* !!deadline: 30.06.2014, 10:00!!
== Required Readings
* [file:ChellappaFranchettiPueschel.pdf|How to write fast numerical code]
Letzte Änderung: 18.01.2017, 21:18 | 332 Worte