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The People-Oriented Agenda

Auszug aus Kapitel 2 aus:  
Motschnig, R., Ryback,D, (2016). Transforming Communication in Leadership and Teamwork: Person-Centered Innovations. Springer International Publishing. Als eBook an der Universität Wien verfügbar  
2.4 The people-oriented agenda 
The people-oriented agenda is so basic that it underlies any meeting or activity that aims to move forward: 
The core principle. The basic, people-oriented agenda is followed because it expresses part of who we are. It is not followed in order to achieve something except for meeting the other and, as a consequence, to ultimately meet oneself. It serves essentially to keep the flow of thoughts, feelings, meanings, ideas, words, and actions in and between us going. The flow is meant as the contrary to getting stuck, unable to move from some position.  
Origin. The people-oriented agenda has been constructed from principles and ongoing research in person-centered psychology and related fields, as well as the authors’ practical experience at the workplace in multiple contexts such as business, leadership, project management, educational settings, intercultural teams, workshops, etc. 
Agenda items. While having a logical sequence, the “items” in the “agenda” are connected and relevant all the time. They can be imagined as the instruments in an orchestra, all contributing to the masterpiece being performed. In particular, none of the items should be ignored completely at any time. They include the highest – under given circumstances appropriate –levels of the following capacities:  
There are many ways to express and enact the “agenda”. Resource Box 2.1 captures some of them in a concise form while subsequent examples and experiences provide more lively information and thought. 
Resource Box 2.1: Some ways of expressing and enacting the people-oriented agenda 
Letzte Änderung: 09.01.2022, 16:32 | 594 Worte