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Person Centered Communication

Renate Motschnig, «renate motschnig», home institution: University of Vienna, Faculty of Computer Science, CSLEARN - Educational Technologies 
Course to be held in three major blocks  
Location: Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics 

Course Information

1st block (22 - 23 September)

Motto is: Building community and a shared vision; assembling the basics 

2nd block (6.- 7. October 2022)

3rd block (3 - 4 November 2022)


Further Information

Languages: English and Czech/Slovak

Theoretical background

Person Centered Approach by Carl Rogers and follow-up work  
Person centered, technology enhanced learning as developed at the University of Vienna, Austria 

References and Resources

Last modified: 22.11.2022, 17:26 | 1193 Words