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01 Grundlagen 
02 Performance Issues - Internet 
02 Performance Issues - Web Services 
03 Structure of Large-Scale Networks 
04 Random Graphs 
05 Arbeitslast 
06 Grundlagen quantitative Analyse 
07 Simulation 
08 Zufallszahlen 
09 Markovketten 


NS3 Einführung 


Performance Issues

Communication Networking: An Analytical Approach. A. Kumar, D. Manjunath, J. Kuri. Morgan Kaufmann, 2004. (Chapter 2) 
Capacity Planning for Web Services: metrics, models, and methods. D. Menascé, V. Almeida. Prentice Hall, 2001. (Chapter 4) 

Structure of Large Scale Networks & Random Graphs

Networks - An Introduction. M. Newman. Oxford University Press, 2010. (Chapters 7, 8, 12, 14.1, 14.2, 15.1) 
The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. M. Newman, A. Barabási, D. Watts. Priceton University Press, 2006. (Chapters 2-4, 5.2) 
«Graph Features» 
«Random Graphs» 


Capacity Planning for Web Services: metrics, models, and methods. D. Menascé, V. Almeida. Prentice Hall, 2001. (Chapter 6) 

Simulation & Zufallszahlen

The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis. R.A.J. Jain. John Wiley & Sons, 1991. (Chapters 24-29) 
MANET simulation studies 
Zufallszahlengeneratoren für Computersimulationen 
«Good Practice in (Pseudo) Random Number Generation» 
«Mersenne Twister» 



«Graph Theory - Diestel - Chapter 1» 
Einführung Graphentheorie aus mathematische Basistechniken 
«Netzwerk orientierte Einführung zu Graphen» 

Ergänzung und Vertiefung

«a similar course by Kousha Etessami and Stephen Gilmore» 
«Routing und kürzeste Wege» 
«Ermitteln von Netzwerktopologien» 
«Why We STILL Don’t Know How To Simulate Networks» 
«List of (Network) Simulation Tools» 
«more on probability, Markov Chains, and queues» 
Letzte Änderung: 20.11.2013, 16:42 | 331 Worte