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 DAY 1
 DAY 2

Encounter (up)

with Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White, Psy.D., LPC (Professor, Department of Counceling, Leadership and Special Education, Missouri State University, USA)  

DAY 1 (up)

Abbildung 1: Agenda
Setting 1
Abbildung 2: Setting 1
Setting 2
Abbildung 3: Setting 2
The UQRIA (Johnson & Johnson)
Abbildung 4: The UQRIA (Johnson & Johnson)

DAY 2 (up)

Group 1
Abbildung 5: Group 1
Lunch 1
Abbildung 6: Lunch 1
Lunch 2
Abbildung 7: Lunch 2
Group 2
Abbildung 8: Group 2
Letzte Änderung: 17.03.2014, 15:54 | 59 Worte