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Soft-skill items survey

Some approaches to identifying soft skills 
Interpersonal intelligence (Hatch and Gardner) 
Intrapersonal intelligence (Gardner) 
Interpersonal intelligence (Gardner) 
Self Science: K. F. Stone and H. Q. Dillehunt (citovano v Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, p.347-348) 
Note: Missing distincition between the level of attitudes and the level of skills
David Ryback: Emotional Intelligence: EI = Emotions + Awareness 
EI is best defined as the ability to use your awareness and sensitivity to discern the feelings underlying interpersonal communication, and to resist the temptation to respond impulsively and thoughtlessly, but instead to act from receptivity, authenticity and candor. 
Soft skills refer to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, facility with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark people to varying degrees. Soft skills complement hard skills, which are the technical requirements of a job. 
Some examples of soft skills:  
Personal Qualities: 
Interpersonal Skills 
(from U.S. Department of Labor - Employment & Training Administration): 
Soft skills can also be an important part of the success of an organization. Organizations, particularly those frequently dealing with customers face-to-face, are generally more prosperous if they train their staff to use these skills. For this reason, soft skills are increasingly sought out by employers in addition to standard qualifications. See also: 
Note also:  
tolerance of ambiguity, dealing with frustration, dialoging, flexibility, etc. 
Last modified: 24.08.2018, 12:49 | 421 Words