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key themes and schedule

Emotional Intelligence 
Non-verbal communication and improvisation 
11. 10. Leadership 
- Adel 
- Valeriia 
- Dominik 
- Adam 
- Jakub 
12. 10. Emotional Intelligence 
- Cem Emre 
- Martin 
- Radek 
- Luis 
Relationships in cyberspace 
8. 11. Non-verbal communication and improvisation 
- Ondrej 
- Štěpán 
- Tomáš 
- Marielle 
- Jan 
9. 11. Negotiation 
- Theo 
- Matúš 
- Rithy 
- Veronika 
- Rajivv 
Last modified: 21.09.2018, 16:42 | 56 Words