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Experiential intensive workshop based on the Person-Centered Approach

The primary goal of this course is to allow participants to communicate more sensitively and effectively in an international group. This encompasses the ability to listen actively, to express oneself in ways that facilitate understanding, to become more expressive of one's personality and concerns, and to be better able to work in and with (multi-national) teams and groups.  
The course is highly person-centered and interactive in so far as the instructor acts as a facilitator to the group by providing resources and, most importantly, a facilitative atmosphere. Participants are welcome to contribute actively by attentive listening to one another as well as sharing their experiences, feelings, meanings, goals, thoughts etc. Participants are invited to contribute themes according to their personal and/or professional concerns. Examples of concerns are various goals, conflicts, decisions, particular challenges to meet, problems, opportunities, or just anything they consider important from their point of view as it develops at each moment.  
At a group level, the course aims to facilitate community building among the participants of the course while sensitizing them to person-centered principles, communication and cultural preferences. Based on the course experience, participants elaborate person-centered principles and research questions, reflect and share their experience, and develop ideas and plans on how to transfer their learning into practice and further person-centered work. 
Besides participating in the group sessions, participants will work (alone or preferably) in small teams of 2 persons to elaborate theory topics in a self-directed way. The course assessment will take into account the participants’ active participation in face-to-face sessions, online reflections, a brief seminar thesis, and will include an element of self-evaluation. 
Letzte Änderung: 02.09.2015, 19:15 | 267 Worte