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Course Material

Slides Overview and Introduction 
Slides Basics Efficient Implementations 
Slides Basics Numerical Error 
Slides Basics Mathematical Software 
Slides Dense Linear Systems Part I 
Slides Dense Linear Systems Part II 
Slides Dense Linear Systems Part III 
Slides Sparse Linear Systems 
Slides Orthogonalization & QR Factorization 
Slides Eigenvalue Problems - Introduction and Background 
Slides Eigenvalue Problems - Basic Algorithms 
Slides Eigenvalue Problems - Methods 
Slides Autotuning Part I 
Slides Autotuning Part II 


Twelve Ways to Fool the Masses... 
To read: until 15.3.2016 
How to write fast numerical code: A small introduction 
To read: Sections 1-5 until deadline of first homework 


LU Code 
Letzte Änderung: 29.06.2016, 16:30 | 116 Worte