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Q3 Answers

- Yes, ideally.
- It depends on your goals.  Sometimes you just want to make a prototype system as a demonstration of your technique/ideas and then adoption isn't important.  Plus adoption requires maintenance/support/etc and someone needs to do that.
- That's one major component.  The other one is how you evaluate success. Lab studies typically have a quantitative measurement which you can compare using mathematical techniques.  Field studies typically have a more subjective assessment.
- It depends on the question you're trying to answer. The idea of a lab study is to answer questions about the general populace or comparing interfaces and is really useful if you have some objective measure of "better" like "faster" or "fewer errors."  Usually you're not testing an entire system either but some small component so you can attribute, say, a faster workflow to that change instead of one of many changes.
- Usually you start with the question you want to answer and then figure out the validation method that matches this question.  This takes a lot of time and experience though.  Generally, if you can come up with a numerical measure that makes sense then a lab study or maybe even a purely mathematical validation may work.  Otherwise you do case studies or field studies.
- Ja, genau. Aber man kann über Skype oder so sprechen wenn es geht. Im Allgemeinen, wenn man eine field study machen will, darf nach die Kollaborateure sorgfältig suchen.
- This means things like explain why use a bar graph versus a pie chart, or a particular color map, or (as you say) use a particular navigation method. Many times this evaluation is done by comparing *against* other design options that you may have thought of. This is done for 2 reasons: for others to evaluate whether or not you made good design choices that fit the goals of the system and for others who are trying to design similar systems, they can look at what you did and the reasons for your choices so that it saves them some missteps in the future.
- Yes, true. That's the importance of doing something like paper prototypes or some other easily disposable method.  You will be making a lot of these in the beginning and probably throwing most of them away so you don't want to spend a lot of time on implementation details.  But visualization researchers also must be careful about selecting good users with interesting problems that can provide good feedback and not just be relegated to a "code monkey" position where you just implement what the users demand.
- Difficult question :)  But there's a lot more to adoption than design like marketing, support, and momentum.
- Why should metrics be proven? How do you "prove" something improves someone's workflow?  We're not able to answer those questions yet
- That's a good point! Sometimes the target group is assumed. In some cases we know the typical issues with some visualization methods or data.  Then we can design a vis technique that attempts to solve those issues without having to go back to the target user group.  But you're right, it's important to keep assumptions about users' needs and how to address them when designing *any* system, not just a visualization one.
- It depends actually. There is this notion of "cognitive dissonance" which you want to avoid. It means that the computer isn't reacting fast enough for you to engage with it then you loose track of what you're thinking about. Imagine watching a movie at 1 frame per second instead of 30. It would be really difficult to figure out what's going on.
- that's true! the tutorial was just an example of interaction and a network graph layout. However, it also showed what happens if you just apply a naive force-directed graph layout. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices with accuracy to get things to be comprehensible. Subway maps, for example, often simplify the actual routes the trains take and the stop locations in order to make the connections easier to see.
- The dark blue part is basically the cut off bit of the light blue peak.
- It would be best to concentrate on all four levels and optimize all of them :)  But there isn't enough time to do that and it's not always necessary.  Usually, start with the question you want to answer and then find what level in the hierarchy addresses that best.
- I'm not sure of the question
- Possibly, but you have to be very careful about how you design the survey questions.  If you ask someone directly what they need they'll give you an answer about what they "think" they need but it will be an incremental change at best.  The trick is to figure out what fundamental problems people have and build solutions to those. Sometimes your solution may take some getting used to since they represent a different way of thinking than what the domain person is used to. Usually you need to do something like a field study so you can observe people and figure out their needs.
- It's because the inner blocks depend on the outer blocks but in turn the validation of the outer blocks depend on the validity of the inner blocks.  You could write it as an arrow-style diagram as: Domain situation -> Task abstraction -> Visual encoding -> Algorithm -> Validate algorithm -> Validate visual encodings -> Validate task abstraction -> Validate domain situation.  This is a bit more compact as a nested structure.  
- net so viel... Gibts frameworks/tools für z.B. "crowd sourced user studies" am Amazon mechanical turk ( oder so.  Man muss jetzt oft roll their own tools machen
- bei der Forschung ist der Löwenanteil an Zeit in lab studies und field studies.
- It's for fault isolation.  So you need to make sure each level is valid so you can truly understand where the problem lies.  Otherwise you may spend a lot of time trying different visual encodings only to later realize that you mischaracterized the tasks the user wants to perform.
- viewing say averages and variances rather than the raw items for one example.
- You rely on previous research and experience mostly but you can also validate the downstream methods individually
- The application scenario for which you're designing the vis tool.  So, for example, a trading system would be for the financial domain.
- Because a poor algorithm choice can mask a good visual encoding.  This is especially true with interaction where an unacceptably slow response can ruin the experience.
- To ensure that those downstream elements are not causing the upstream validations to fail
- That's part of it. but also whether the visualization correctly addresses the users' needs. A lot of this is discussed in chapter 1 as well.
- Problem-driven work is where you start with a question or problem and then develop a technique to solve it.  Technique-driven work you start with a technique and then go around applying it in different situations to see when it works and when it doesn't.
- It depends and both have strengths and weaknesses. A vis-specific researcher will bring a lot of knowledge of visualization methods and knowledge from other domains. A domain specialist has a lot of domain knowledge but may not be up to date on the latest visualization techniques and what works and what doesn't work well. The other nice part of bringing in an external collaborator is that you get a unique perspective.
- That's true! That's one of the reasons we publish design studies (sometimes called case studies). The idea is that you can look and see what others have tried and  see what worked and what didn't for similar problems to your own. That's also why it's so important when doing a design study to write up what did and didn't work and why.
-  I'm not aware of standard datasets for vis.  Many times people just use the machine learning datasets if those are appropriate.
- Sometimes it's a problem.  For example, the original marching cubes paper could produce 3D objects that are not solid and this spawned a whole set of papers trying to fix this problem. The problem though, is how to define formal correctness at such a high level algorithm and then validate against it.
- Yes, and that is where the nested model helps alot. A new visual encoding is typically validated with a lab study, for example. See section 4.6.5 for an important discussion on mismatches between validation method and benefit of the visualization.
Letzte Änderung: 08.04.2015, 15:18 | 2629 Worte