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Model Translation

Create a piece of code that can convert arbitrary BPMN 2.0 XML code into a tree structure. Test your code with your model A and 15 supplied models. Below you can find an example of the resulting tree (i.e. imperative model). 
<description xmlns="">
  <loop mode="post_test" condition="data.test &lt; 3">
    <call id="a2" endpoint="timeout">
      <finalize output="result">data.test -= 1</finalize>
      <update output="result"/>
  <call id="a1" endpoint="timeout">
    <finalize output="result">data.x += "done"</finalize>
  <parallel wait="2">
      <call id="a2_1" endpoint="timeout">
      <call id="a2_2" endpoint="timeout">
  <manipulate id="a3">data.x += '_end'</manipulate>
    <alternative condition="data.x != nil">
      <call id="a4_1" endpoint="timeout">
      <call id="a4_2" endpoint="timeout">
Every resulting tree should be correct XML. Every resulting tree should adhere to the example/schema given above. 
Tipp: «» can be used as a basis. 
Letzte Änderung: 30.10.2017, 14:39 | 546 Worte