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Person Centered Communication

Renate Motschnig, «renate motschnig», home institution: University of Vienna, Faculty of Computer Science, CSLEARN - Educational Technologies 
Course to be held in three major blocks  
Location: Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics 

Course Information

1st block (February)

Motto is: Building community and a shared vision; assembling the basics 

2nd block (19. - 20. March)

to be held in eLearning mode 
Hi all! Thank you for your constructive reactions, I did enjoy reading then and now feel even more sad as we can't meet in person this time. So we need to learn to be flexible and adapt to the new situation. More on the 2nd block ... 

3rd block (16. - 17. April) Video-Sessions will be offered, more information to come

Motto is: Generative dialogue, making sense, reflection and feedback 
Preliminary agenda for the 3rd block (16 - 17 April) 
PLAN B (should videoconferencing not work) 
Resources and tasks will be specified to be fulfilled in asynchronous learning mode. An (optional) skype-conference for each participant will be scheduled for detailed feedback and reflection. 

Course requirements: (adapted due to Corona-Virus)


Further Information

Languages: English and Czech/Slovak

Theoretical background

Person Centered Approach by Carl Rogers and follow-up work  
Person centered, technology enhanced learning as developed at the University of Vienna, Austria 

References and Resources

Last modified: 17.04.2020, 22:50 | 1106 Words