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Course goals

General. Participants acquire personal experience, skills, and background knowledge in situations of professional and everyday communication (such as listening, articulating, speaking in a group, conflict resolution, decision making, etc.). Participants build a learning community around the concern for better communication and understanding. 
Level of knowledge and intellect. Students acquire knowledge about the basics of the Person Centered Approach and Person Centered Encounter Groups.  
Level of skills and capabilities. Students gain active listening skills and improve their abilities in spontaneous communication and decision making in a group setting.  
Level of attitudes and awareness. Students gain self-experience while expressing own feelings, meanings, and intentions and perceiving those of others. They experience active listening and develop their own attitude towards it. Students become more sensitive and open to their own experience and loosen preconceived, rigidly held constructs. Students move towards acceptance and better understanding of themselves and others. Students move from more stereotyped behavior and facades to more personal expressiveness. 
Letzte Änderung: 15.02.2018, 17:52 | 158 Worte