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Person Centered Communication
Renate Motschnig, «renate motschnig», home institution: University of Vienna, Faculty of Computer Science, Computer Science Didactics and Learning Research Center
Course to be held in three major blocks
Location: Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics - Sumavska seminar room
Course time: 20-21 February; 20-21 March; 10-11 April; optional personal feedback as arranged
Course Information
- Self-evaluation and final reaction and "essay" due date: 30. 04. 2014
Further Information
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Languages: Czech and English
Theoretical background
Person Centered Approach by Carl Rogers and follow-up work
Person centered, technology enhanced learning as developed at the University of Vienna, Austria
Workshop units:
Please upload your reaction regarding each course block within 7 days after the block - thanks
1st Workshop
2nd Workshop
3rd Workhsop
References and Resources
- Primary book for the course: Motschnig, R., Nykl, L. (2014). Person-centred Communication Theory, Skills and Practice. Open University Press, McGraw Hill.
- Czech version: Motschnig, R., Nykl, L. (2011). Komunikace zamerena na cloveka. Praha: Grada
- Rogers C. R. and Farson R. E. Active Listening, by , Excerpt from Communicating in Business Today, pdf
- Rogers C. R.: Tentative Law of Interpersonal Relationships, doc
Letzte Änderung: 20.05.2014, 18:13 | 258 Worte