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further reading

Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (2005). Relationship at the Centre. Philadelphia, PA: Whurr. 
Bauer, C., Derntl, M., Motschnig-Pitrik, R., & Tausch, R. (2006). Promotive Activities in Face-to-Face and Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments. The Person-Centered Journal, 13(1/2), ADPCA, ISSN 1932-4920. 12 – 37. 
Cornelius-White, J. H. D., & Harbaugh, A. P. (2010). Learner-Centered Instruction: Building Relationships for Student Success. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 
Cornelius-White, J.H.D., Motschnig-Pitrik, R. and Lux, M. (2013) Interdisciplinary handbook of the person-centered approach: Research and theory. New York, USA: Springer.  
Cornelius-White, J.H.D., Motschnig-Pitrik, R. and Lux, M. (2013b) Interdisciplinary applications of the person-centered approach. New York, USA: Springer. 
iCom-team (2014): Constructive Communication in International Teams An Experience-Based Guide. DE: Waxmann. (Co-authored in the iCom team with 12 authors) 
Motschnig, R., & Nykl, L. (2014). Person-Centred Communication Theory, Skills and Practice. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press, McGraw Hill Education. 
Motschnig-Pitrik, R., Nykl, L. (2013). An Interactive Cognitive-Emotional Model of the Person-Centered Approach. In Cornelius-White, J. H. D., Motschnig-Pitrik, R., & Lux, M. (eds). Interdisciplinary handbook of the person-centered approach: Research and theory. New York: Springer. 
Motschnig-Pitrik, R., & Mallich, K. (2004). Effects of Person-Centered Attitudes on Professional and Social Competence in a Blended Learning Paradigm. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 7(4), 176-192. 
Motschnig-Pitrik, R. (2005). Person-Centered e-Learning in Action: Can Technology help to manifest Person-centered Values in Academic Environments? Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 45 (4), SAGE, 503-530. 
Motschnig-Pitrik, R. (2006). Two Technology-Enhanced Courses Aimed at Developing Interpersonal Attitudes and Soft Skills in Project Management. in: Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing. Proc. of the 1st European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2006, Crete, Greece, LNCS 4227, Neijdl, W., Tochtermann, K. (Eds). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 331 – 346. 
Natiello, P. (2001). The Person-Centered Approach: A passionate presence. PCCS Books, Llangarron, Ross-on-Wye, UK. 
Nykl, L. (2004). Pozvaní do Rogersovské psychologie. Barrister & Principal. 
Rogers, C., R. (1959). A Theory of Therapy, Personality, and Interpersonal Relationships, as Developed in the Client-Centered Framework. In: Psychology: A Study of a Science. Vol. 3, S. Koch, ed., New York, Toronto, London: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 184 – 256. 
Rogers, C. R. (1961). On Becoming a Person - A Psychotherapists View of Psychotherapy. London: Constable. 
Rogers, C. R. (1970). Carl Rogers on Encounter Groups. New York: Harper Row. 
Rogers, C., R. (1978). On Personal Power. Constable. 
Rogers, C. R. (1983). A Way of Being. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 
Rogers, C. R. (1983). Freedom to Learn for the 80's. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company. 
Ryback, D. (1998). Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work - Successful Leadership is More Than IQ. Boston, Massachusetts: Butterworth-Heinemann. 
Letzte Änderung: 02.09.2015, 19:39 | 390 Worte