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Cain’s 12 Optimal Conditions for Constructive Therapeutic Change

1. The c is sufficiently distressed in an area of significant relevance, has a desire for help, and willingly seeks professional assistance in the alleviation of problems or to attain something the client wants. 
2. The c is actively involved and receptive in the therapeutic endeavor, participates cooperatively, and has a positive expectation that therapy will be helpful. 
3. The t and c are mutually accepting and affirming. 
4. The t is consistently present and actively engaged in all aspects of the therapeutic process. 
5. The t views clients as resourceful persons capable of constructive change and strives to support their freedom and autonomy in determining the direction of therapy and how their goals will be achieved. 
6. The t and c individualize each therapy by being collaborative partners in the definition of the client’s problems, desired goals, means to achieve these goals, and development of an optimal therapeutic relationship. 
7. The t understands the subjective reality of the c and empathically communicates that understanding to the client. 
8. The t engages important aspects of his or her self in a congruent manner intended to be in the best interests of the client. 
9. The t brings forth for the client’s consideration any and all personal and professional resources that may be of value to the client. 
If we collaborate with our clients effectively, we will learn together what will benefit our c and how to achieve it.(p. 165) 
The c is always an active and agentic participant in the therapy. (p. 165) 
10. The t focuses on and encourages the c to attend to and process potent emotional experiences with an intent to facilitate adaptive c learning and more effective behavior. 
In short, emotional experiences need to be aroused, processed, and reflected upon cognitively for optimal benefit. (p. 167) 
11. The t continuously monitors the quality of the therapeutic relationship, client progress and any strain in the relationship and collaborates with the client to make any needed or desirable adjustments. 
12. The c experiences in the relevant constructive relational qualities, behaviors, and intents to a degree that facilitates change and growth as defined by the client.  
Cain, D. J. (2010). Person-Centered Psychotherapies. APA. p. 157 - 168 
Letzte Änderung: 04.09.2015, 16:21 | 375 Worte