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Inventory Management (up)

The example below will be not directly transferable to your topic. Use good judgment, but realize all functionalities. 

Query List of Parts (up)

Query e.g. via http://someurl/lagerverwaltung.php 
  displays: {
    "7.1": 35,
    "5.0": 2,
    "4.8": 17
  akku: {
    "1200mAh": 37,

Query Details (up)

Query e.g. via http://someurl/lagerverwaltung.php/displays 
  "7.1": 35,
  "5.0": 2,
  "4.8": 17

Query Details for Components (up)

Query e.g. via http://someurl/lagerverwaltung.php/displays/7.1 

Set Details for Components (up)

PUT to http:/someurl/lagerverwaltung.php/displays/7.1 
Result: (non) 
Client for puting: 
 $data = http_build_query(
     'amount' => '35'
 $opts = array('http' =>
     'method' => 'PUT',
     'header' =>
       "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" .
       "accept: application/json\r\n"
     'content' => $data
 header('content-type: text/plain');
 $context = stream_context_create($opts);
 $result = file_get_contents('http://someurl/lagerverwaltung.php/displays/7.1',false,$context);
Important: the data is in a file (in the same directory as lagerverwaltung.php), which is e.g. called lagerverwaltung.json. In order to allow php to write this file, the access rights on almighty.cs have to be correct: login in with ssh and chmod 666 lagerverwaltung.json
Letzte Änderung: 07.06.2021, 14:36 | 217 Worte