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Assignment 3 (up)

Assignment 3a - Extraction (up)

Create 4 SQLXML queries, each with the following properties: 
Further rules: 
<address> <-- level 1-->
  <address zip="1190" country="AT">
    <street> <-- level 3-->
      <name>Waehringerstrasse</name>  <-- level 4-->
      <number type="main">29</number>
      <number type="internal">4</number>
      <number type="internal">4.49</number>

Submission (up)

Hints (up)

Assignment 3b - Schema (up)

Create handwritten RNGs for each XML output (4 schemas in total). Each of the four XML outputs of your SQL queries should be matched by one of the Schemas. 
Example: Schema validation using RelaxNG and xmllint 
# Schema foo.rng
<grammar xmlns="">
    <element name="bar">...</element>
# Data foo.xml
# Validation
xmllint -relaxng foo.rng foo.xml

Submission (up)

Hints (up)

Assignment 3c - Queries (up)

Create 3-6 XPath 1.0 (without extensions) queries that extract information from each of your XML Files (at least 19 queries in total). 

Submission (up)

Hints (up)

Letzte Änderung: 15.04.2021, 12:27 | 939 Worte