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Assignment 6 (up)

Write for a correlator for a predefined process. Hints: 

Assignment 6a - Preparation (2 points) (up)

You manage an inventory (for your topic). Answer the following questions: 
Additionally: write three REST services, das describe above. 

Submission (up)

MANDATORY AND VERY IMPORTANT: Register the rest services via «». 

Hints (up)

Assignment 6b - Correlation (10 points) (up)

Write and register a correlation service via «». 
Implement the correlator logic: To create a process instance, change the process template, and instantiate (from file) it through «». 
How to change the process template: 
When the correlator is called from the engine it should answer, that it wants to call back later. 
<call id="a4" endpoint="correlation">
    <label>"Warten auf Fortschritt"</label>
  <finalize>data.progress = result["progress"]</finalize>
<finalize>data.progress = result["progress"]</finalize>
  $rest = handleREST($_SERVER,$_GET);
  //******* CPEE POST empfangen. CPEE kann auch GET PUT und DELETE Requests absetzen.
  if ($rest->method=="POST"){
    //******* Der Korrelator kann auch so loggen.
    $fh = fopen("log.log","a");
    //******* ALLE Header in ein File schreiben.
    //******* Header damit die CPEE weiss, dass wir spaeter antworten.
    header('CPEE_CALLBACK: true');
  Die Header wuerden so z.B. aussehen.
  Sie brauchen [Cpee_callback]. Ein PUT Request auf diese Adresse laesst den Prozess weiterlaufen.
    [Cpee_base] =>
    [Cpee_instance] =>
    [Cpee_callback] =>
    [Cpee_activity] => a1
    [Cpee_label] => Wir werden warten
    [Cpee_attr_info] => ss
    [Cpee_attr_modeltype] => CPEE
    [Accept-Encoding] => gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
    [Accept] => *//*
    [User-Agent] => Ruby
    [Content-Type] => text/plain
    [Content-Length] => 0
    [Host] =>
  $opts = array('http' =>
      'method'  => 'PUT',
      'header'  => 'Content-type: application/json',
      'content' => JSON_DATA
  $context = stream_context_create($opts);
  $result = file_get_contents('http://...', false, $context);

Submission (up)

DONT FORGET: change /testset/attributes/info. 
MANDATORY AND VERY IMPORTANT: Register the rest services via «».  

Hints (up)

Letzte Änderung: 23.05.2019, 12:16 | 721 Worte