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Assignment 7 (up)

Based on your XML files from assignment 3b and the XPaths from 3c perform the following steps: 
  1. Use XSLT, XQUERY, or whatever does the job for you (without wasting much time) to transform your XML data from previous exercises into RDFXML so that "rapper" ( can translate it into turtle syntax. Keep your element and tags as close to the original possible. 
    • Submit 1 file which contains your xmls and the code to convert them 
    • Submit 1 file data.ttl 
  2. Create a RDF schema expressing relations between your data. E.g. customer A buys product B, Person A applied for internship B, …. Further define sub-classes and sub-properties to express semantic similarities to Dublin Core and the FOAF ontologies where feasible. 
    • Rule 1: Use each RDFS property ( at least twice in a semantically correct way. Try to avoid redundancies e.g. domain and subclassof explicitly referring to the same class. 
    • Rule 2: Include at least one second order relations (e.g. Person A knows Person B, and Person B knows Person C). 
    • Submit 1 file schema.ttl 
  3. Download the PHP annotate tool and copy annotate.php to the folder where you have your data.ttl and schema.ttl.  
    • Call ./annotate.php 
    • ./annotate.php will output the files  
      • annotated.xml,  
      • annotated.ttl 
    • If no error occur, your turtle file should be good. 
    • Read your turtle file to find out what has been done. 
    • Submit 1 file annotated.ttl 
  4. Select 3 queries from you xpath exercise (assignment 3c) and redo them in SPARQL based on the annotated.ttl
    • Submit 1 file query1.rq 
    • Submit 1 file query2.rq 
    • Submit 1 file query3.rq 
  5. Create 1 query (again based on annotated.ttl) the depending on information which is solely expressed in your schema. E.g. B is produced by A, and C was published by A. Produced and published are both sub-properties of dc:creator. Thus B and C was both created by A. 
    • Submit 1 file query4.rq 
  6. Create 1 query (again based on annotated.ttl) the identifies all second order relationships expressed in your schema (see example above). 
    • Submit 1 file query5.rq 
    • Hint: you can also query the triples in your schema 

Submission (9 files) (up)

Hints (up)

Letzte Änderung: 30.06.2017, 11:02 | 436 Worte