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Assignment 5 (up)

Assignment 5a - SOAP (up)

For 10 of your 20 xpath queries from assignment 3c - create a SOAP service that implements a function for each of the XPATH queries: 
Further rules: 

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Hints (up)

Assignment 5b - REST (up)

Answer the same questions as in 5a, but in REST. The same rules apply. BUT: you have to include larger snapshots of the data, and the operation probably translate into pretty complex resources (urls). 
For example: 
getSomethingFromSomething(This,That) -> Something
translates into
Additional Rules - Please keep in mind that: 

Submission (up)

Hints (up)

Letzte Änderung: 17.07.2017, 09:51 | 700 Worte