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Assignment 4 (up)

Additional 2 points will be awarded for 4a and 4b (2 points for each). 
Beneath you find the XML files assigned to you. The XML files represent data that deals with the same topic that you do. 
IMPORTANT: these files may not be in the same structure as your files, they might hold different data granularity, some pieces might be 
distributed over multiple files, and some pieces might be even missing. 
GOLDEN RULE: If something is missing, assume sane defaults (BUT ONLY IF SOMETHING IS MISSING). Add helper resultX.xml files if absolutely necessary. Or leave the part blank in your XML. Use good judgement. 

Assignment 4a - XSLT Transformation (up)

Create 5 XSLT files, that generate your XML format out of the given XML files. Adhere to the GOLDEN RULE above. 
Additional rules: 

Submission (up)

xsltproc transformation1.xsl othercode/result1.xml > newcode/result1.xml'
xsltproc transformation2.xsl othercode/result1.xml > newcode/result2.xml'

Hints (up)

Assignment 4b - XQuery (up)

Create 5 XQ files, that generate your XML format out of the given XML files. Adhere to the GOLDEN RULE above. 
Additional rules: 

Submission (up)

xsltproc transformation1.xsl othercode/result1.xml > newcode/result1.xml'
xsltproc transformation2.xsl othercode/result1.xml > newcode/result2.xml'

Hints (up)

Letzte Änderung: 30.06.2017, 16:36 | 1272 Worte