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VU Workflow Technologies (052513) (up)


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Gesunder Menschenverstand wird vorausgesetzt. 

Dates (up)

01. Unit
Preliminary talk
27.01. 11:30
Industry Talk by T-Systems: Care for your data, and your data will care for you - Learnings from Data Science projects in different industries (abstract see below)
In our talk, we want to share some of the learnings we at T-Systems have made in implementing data-driven solutions for businesses in different industries. Specifically, we want to highlight the importance of combining Data Science knowledge, domain expertise, as well as proper data management, by discussing three current projects and their specific challenges. 
To make a Data Science project successful, it takes more than the theoretical and technical knowledge to properly handle and analyze data. A good project team also includes the necessary domain knowledge to correctly interpret the data, and to make sure that a data set really contains all information relevant to the situation. In addition, the performance of any data-driven solution can only be as good as the data you feed it. Depending on the situation, it can take considerable effort to build and maintain a data set of the required quality and size. 

Assignments (up)

Assignment 1: Extract und Model (5 points) 
Assignment 2: Workflow Verifikation (7 points) 
Assignment 3: Aristaflow (8 points) 
Assignment 4: Workflow Execution (30 points) 
Assignment 5: Model Translation (5 Points) 

Resources (up)

Chapter 1 (up)

Chapter 2 (up)

Chapter 3 (up)

Chapter 4 (up)


VirtualBox Images (up)

«Aristaflow + Derby, Woflan Virtualbox Image» (VM Password
Letzte Änderung: 20.01.2020, 09:58 | 986 Worte