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Simple Wiki
The simplified Wiki markup is mostly similar to «MediaWiki», but differs in some nuances from MediaWiki.
Making links to other locations on the web works by inserting
bla [|description] bla
mailto: links work by inserting
Headings work as expected:
== heading
=== sub-heading
==== sub-sub-heading
Other basics
/*WIKI syntax expression*/
A comment. The expression inside is not processed by the WIKI markup parser.
/**Invisible Comment**/
A comment. This comment can only be seen by screen readers or when editing the page.
// invisible comment which needs no white space
Two single quotes. Tells the parser to print the content in italic letters.
Three single quotes. Tells the parser to print the content in bold letters.
Three underscores. Tells the parser to print the content in underline letters.
---strike through---
Three dashes. Tells the parser to print the content in strike through.
to print text monospaced (typewriter).
This element is excluded from export. With this element the users can put comments in the text, to further ease collaboration. This should not be used as versioning instrument.
Lists basically work like in MediaWiki with the exception that a newline is possible. A list is terminated when two newlines (a paragraph) occur.
A star at the beginning of a line starts a normal bullet-list. The list continues until a paragraph or a heading is found.
* a star
Two stars at the beginning of a line start a sub-list. It can only exist inside a bullet-list or numbered list.
** two stars
Three stars at the beginning of a line start a sub-sub-list. It can only exist inside a bullet-sub-list or numbered sub-list.
*** three stars
A hash symbol at the beginning of a line starts a numbered list. The list continues until a paragraph or a heading is found.
# a hash
Two hash symbols at the beginning of a line start a numbered sub-list. It can only exist inside a bullet-list or numbered list.
## two hashes
Three hash symbols at the beginning of a line start a numbered sub-sub-list. It can only exist inside a bullet-sub-list or numbered sub-list.
### three hashes
As already obvious these two list types can also be interspersed. The last list type is a definition-list. It is used by writing
;definition: description
starting at the beginning of a line. This type comes in very handy when defining concepts or terms.
A difference to MediaWiki markup is introduced by making it possible to create indented text blocks. This is especially useful when adding long quotes to documents. An indented paragraph is denoted by two leading > characters (>>).
>> bla fasel
Images can be used inside the page by writing
Valid Examples:
[image:|Ich bin ein schönes Bild]
[image:|width:10em; height:10em|Ich bin ein schönes Bild]
Monospaced Text
There is also the ability to add text that is printed in monospaced letters. This is especially useful when one wants to add source code to a document. Every line with a space as the first letter is printed monospaced, multiple successive lines following this rule are interpreted as block. Example:
people.each do |person|
puts person + ' has an IQ of ' + rand(200)
Mathematical Formulas
has support for mathematical formulas through LaTeX syntax. There is support for both, inline (denoted by $)
Use a formula ($R_{2}=(\left\lbrace A,B,C,D,E,F,G \right\rbrace, F_{2})$) inside a sentence.
and block formulas (denoted by \[ and \])
\[\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n} \infty\]
It is also possible to reference block formulas by giving them a label, like in the following example:
\[my sum:\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n} \infty\]
You can now reference it in the text by writing
Yada yada [formula:my sum] yada shebang.
Important: to use this functionality you need to use a MathML enabled browser AND Tranformation Engine. Please ask your CEWebS Admin to get an engine that supports MathML. Firefox supports MathML out of the Box, Internet Explorer through the MathPlayer Plugin. Be aware that using a MathML enabled Engine means that everything is XHTML 1.1 Strict conformant, which is not exactly working in every browser.
Additionally MathML will not work with Opera and Konqueror.
Letzte Änderung: 05.05.2017, 18:33 | 672 Worte