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Research Topics

Each Student (not team work!) must choose a research topic of his/her liking and elaborate it until the end of semester. 
Register yourself in the topic selection section
It is possible to propose your own topics, as long as it has something to do with the lecture matter. 


(see Forschungsthemen

Assignment terms

Create a presentation of about 20min., which explaines and puts your topic in an objective (and possibly critital) perspective. Use the provided literature and devise your own inquiry (e.g. through Google Scholar) to research details of the selected topic. Provide a first draft until the 17.12. (per email to «Siegfried Benkner» and «Yuriy Kaniovskyi») containing a 1-2 page summary of the topic and your own references. 
The presentations will be held at the end of the semester (see lecture plan). 
Letzte Änderung: 26.11.2015, 19:02 | 139 Worte