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Terminology and Basics (up)

Mentor (up)

Mentor = wise counsellor (Webster Dictionary) 
also: advisor, coach, counselor, pedagogue, tutor ((Webster Dictionary) 
A mentor is a trusted friend, counselor or teacher, usually a more experienced person. Some professions have "mentoring programs" in which newcomers are paired with more experienced people, who advise them and serve as examples as they advance. Schools sometimes offer mentoring programs to new students, or students having difficulties. 
Mentors provide expertise to less experienced individuals to help them advance their careers, enhance their education, and build their networks. In many different arenas people have benefited from being part of a mentoring relationship. 
The -or ending of the original name Mentor does not have the meaning of "the one who does something", as in other English words such as contractor or actor. 
(derived and adapted from WIKIPEDIA) 

Mentoring – tasks and mindset (up)

Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be." Eric Parsloe, The Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring 
Mentoring is a powerful personal development and empowerment tool. It is an effective way of helping people to progress in their careers and is becoming increasing popular as its potential is realized. It is a partnership between two people (mentor and mentee) normally working in a similar field or sharing similar experiences. It is a helpful relationship based upon mutual trust and respect. 
A mentor is a guide who can help the mentee to find the right direction and who can help them to develop solutions to career issues. Mentors rely upon having had similar experiences to gain an empathy with the mentee and an understanding of their issues. Mentoring provides the mentee with an opportunity to think about career options and progress. 
A mentor should help the mentee to believe in herself and boost her confidence. A mentor should ask questions and challenge, while providing guidance and encouragement. Mentoring allows the mentee to explore new ideas in confidence. It is a chance to look more closely at yourself, your issues, opportunities and what you want in life. Mentoring is about becoming more self aware, taking responsibility for your life and directing your life in the direction you decide, rather than leaving it to chance. 
More see ( 

Mentor – Mentee relationship (up)

The mentor-mentee relationship is less of a formalized professional relationship and more of a partnership; more like a friendship. We provide guidelines and “training” but the issues dealt with will vary depending upon the issues being faced by the mentee. 
Mentee driven: The mentee must take the initiative of bringing in their questions, issues, problems, challenges. The final responsibility for actions taken, as a result of mentoring, lies with the mentee. 
Facilitative rather than instructive or expert: While the mentor may well suggest and help to organize activities and networking, his or her role is more that of a resourceful person and non-directive counselor-friend than that of an instructor. 
Person-centered: Relying on the humanistic core conditions of facilitative relationships: 
Letzte Änderung: 04.10.2019, 18:37 | 542 Worte