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Learning about Communication in Multicultural Teams:

Dear colleague, 
this is to offer you an adjustable, research-driven option for learning about communication in multicultural teams and contributing to mutual learning in this area. 
The basic idea is that you get some inputs about a topic that is crucial for the success of any project on which people from different cultures collaborate, namely “Communication in Multicultural Teams”. In return, the researchers get your reactions, experiences, and ideas about learning to communicate effectively in multicultural teams. So we would mutually learn from each other and make a real contribution to the field and to our knowledge, behavior, cultural intelligence, and even attitudes toward constructive intercultural communication. Thank you for participating in this innovative learning project!  
Proposed steps to follow:  
1) Reflect about your current situation: 
What makes you interested in this theme? 
What would like to know or to learn about comMCT? 
How is your communication in your (more or less diverse) team going for you? 
Briefly describe the team’s structure and purpose/task. 
How do you feel in your team? 
What are you satisfied with and want to keep? 
Is there anything you are frustrated with? Anything you’d like to change? 
What could be improved regarding communication? 
2) Share your perceptions , thoughts, and ideas with one or more colleagues 
Briefly summarize any similar as well as diverging perceptions, feelings, and thoughts 
3) Visit:  
Carefully read the basis of comMCT 
For each of the 4 modules of com MCT, take about 20 – 60 minutes to explore the module and optionally inspect some of the reference links. Take notes to capture what you find relevant, interesting, and what is difficult to imagine/understand. Is there anything that could be left out or added? 
List about 5 adjectives that you would use when asked describe the comMCT model. 
Connect the knowledge you acquired from engaging with the model to your own experience. Identify at least three aspects or phenomena in your team that you see connected to the comMCT model. Describe these aspects and make the connection to the model explicit. 
4) Briefly summarize what you learned from engaging with the challenge of communicating in multicultural teams. 
5) Please fill in the Satisfaction Questionnaire-comMCT regarding the model comMCT and briefly comment on your responses. 
Thank you for your participation! 
Letzte Änderung: 04.05.2017, 19:03 | 384 Worte