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some do's and dont's

Writing reaction sheets helps you to think about what you experienced in class, therefore actually helps you to learn from your own experience. It can also be interpreted as providing extremely valuable perspectives/feedback to instructors and other participants and teams. In short: it’s supposed to provide learning for everyone and support the whole course process!  
In the reaction sheet you are expected to share whatever is on your mind in the context of the respective course unit and you wish to share with colleagues and the instructors. It is important that whatever you share comes from your personal perception, is open, honest, and is voiced in a respectful way such as to inform but not to insult others. Thank you in advance for whatever you share with the group. 
A reaction sheet must be uploaded to the platform no later than one week after the respective course block. 
Last modified: 19.09.2019, 10:31 | 153 Words