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Course Goals and Description

In the course students will share knowledge and competencies regarding active listening, person centered communication, moderation techniques, team development, conflict management and related issues. The course is based on active, student centered learning in a constructive atmosphere and will include several practical exercises. The instructor will take on the role of a facilitator and moderator providing resources. Students are expected to work in teams of about 3-4 persons to elaborate topics in a self-directed way and to prepare moderated units (lasting for about 2,5 hours each and including a break) and simple online materials for all participants. The course evaluation will take into account the students’ active participation in face-to-face and online phases, the materials elaborated, the quality of the unit moderated, and will include an element of self-evaluation. 
Languages: English and Czech and Slovak  
Last modified: 19.09.2017, 16:54 | 136 Words