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Task description and schedule for students' projects

Consultation with facilitator: Once you have a concept for your moderation unit (but no later than 3 days before your scheduled time-slot), consult your concept with the facilitator who will be happy to provide her comments and potential questions and suggestions. This is to make sure we feel comfortable with the material and exercises you are planning to include.  
Project-documents: Please submit the documents that accompanied your presentation/moderation via the "Teamspace" tab listed on the left-hand side of the page. There are no formal requirements regarding the format of your submission. However, keep in mind that the documents should be helpful for your colleagues as a reference to deepen their interests regarding the subject matter. Make sure that you cite material that you collected from literature or other sources such that documents are tractable.  
The due-date for team project documents: 18. 11. 2013. Please keep the date so all involved in the course can access your valuable inputs.  
Reaction sheets: Please submit your reaction sheet shortly after each workshop but no later than one week after it. Reaction sheets will be made available for all participants some days prior to the successive workshop. The due-date for submitting the last reaction sheet is 18. 11. 2013. Thanks for honest and constructive sharing.  
Note: There is no problem if you copy some of your insights from the reaction sheet to your self-evaluation, although the focus is different:  
Self evaluation starts shortly after the 3rd workshop and ends on 18. 11. 2013.  
Peer evaluation (accessible through the teamspace) starts after the submission deadline of the project documents and ends on 25. 11. 2013.  
Note: The reaction sheets are visible to all participants. The self-evaluations are visible to the instructor only. The quality of the evaluations you write will influence your grade as part of the active participation online.  
Please: For the reason of research into innovative teaching/learning and for personal interest, I would kindly ask you to fill out the initial questionnaire as soon as possible and the General Questionnaire and Questionnaire on Person-Centered Attitudes no later than 30.12.2011. Filling out the questionnaires is voluntary and it definitely will NOT influence your grade. The questionnaire is evaluated in an anonymous way and results are used for science/research purposes only. To all who fill out the questionnaires: "Thank you sincerely for your extra time!"  
Letzte Änderung: 18.09.2013, 11:18 | 446 Worte