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- Well, when the details are too small to see?!
- Was denkst Du denn was es fuer Probleme geben sollte?!
- Ja natuerlich, warum nicht?
- Bin ich in der Vorlesung darauf eingegangen. Klar?
- Best to look at the video
- Sorry, habe ich nicht gemacht, und ...
- Für alle Möglichen. "Magnification Fields" ist das geometrische Prinzip hinter Lenzes!
- Stimme ich teilweise zu und habe das auch schon Tamara mitgeteilt. Allerdings verstehe ich Deinen letzten Satz nicht! Allerdings weiss ich, dass Tamara versucht die Kapitel nicht zu lang zu haben.
- ?? I don't understand the question … the focus is right there in the centre of the vis?!
- I hope this is clearer after the lecture!
- ?? 12.1 ist text!?
- First off: you are reading Ch 13, not Ch 12! While I find HCE useful, I cannot make this claim about VisDB! The fact that no-one really used it since its introduction, supports your theory. However, I think it is a worthwhile idea to have heard about. Maybe you will be the first person that can make it useful! :)
- Das ist abhängig von den Daten und dem Ziel der Visualisierung.
- "some items are omitted from the view completely, in a form of dynamic filtering. Other items are summarized using dynamic aggregation for context, and only the focus items are shown in detail." Verschiedene Stufen des Weglassens. :)
- At the core of it -- they are interaction idioms.
- yes, and Tamara states a few times that it's not such a good idea ...
- We talked about the problems on animation. However, this really should demonstrate the 2D hyperbolic browser (as seen in class).
- "The Bring operation pulls neigh- bors of a node to near proximity, temporarily resolving a situation where the layout algorithm had failed. Fig. 4(a) and Fig. 4(b) illustrates this situation – the passage from step 1 to step 2 being smoothly animated. Once the neigh- bors have been repositioned close to the node, the Go op- eration lets the user decide of a new direction to move to by selecting a neighbour." see also C. Tominski, J. Abello, F. van Ham, and H. Schumann. Fisheye tree views and lenses for graph visualization. Proceedings of the conference on Information Visualization (IV), pages 17–24, Washington, DC, USA, 2006. IEEE Computer Society.
- The distance from the focus point to the item that needs to be displayed on the screen.
- Nothing fancy, as the name suggests, it highlights some neighbourhood, which is the one one is interested in "focusing" in!?
- Fig 12.3 hat kein a und ist auf Seite 273!? Vielleicht liest Du auch das 'alte' Buch!?
- Wen fragst Du denn?! Hat Dir schon jemand geantwortet?
- Wenn man 10 'item's hat geht das sicher manuell. Aber, wenn man den Network traffic von Amazon visualisiert, denke ich dass das durch kluge Formeln effektiver ist, oder?
- How?

Critique / Additional Notes

Letzte Änderung: 08.04.2014, 08:29 | 1761 Worte