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- no, they are an example of aggregation!?
- a "slidshow" is like an animation -- as discussed in class, use with caution. "interactive" slideshows are interactions again. Interaction is 'always possible' (mostly even needed).
- yes and no. Some folks have difficulty with 3D, true. But even those that don't -- it costs effort! Effort better spend on the problem at hand, not on the visual encoding! :)
- Sorry, I don't understand the question.
- example is Anscombe in Chapter 1.
- Context? What do you mean?!
- I think this is not a one line answer, and Tamara is doing a good job explaining this. What were you missing in her explanation?
- E.g. volume rendering, see
- attaching a numerical "quality" to all attributes helps you filtering them by a slider now.
- see class -- most folks in class knew them. Still, don't use 'em in journalism for the masses.
- I tried.
- z.B. gehen wir noch einmal in der Vorlesung drauf ein.
- I hope the video made this clear.
- There are some, but try to analyse this scatterplot ( ). Are you able to distinguish the points that are nearer from others? Without rotating you are not able to see the points in actual 3d. Also there is the problem of occlusion which makes understanding the visualization very difficult. Also, see some discussion in Chapter 6.
- we'll talk a bit about this on Thu.
- siehe Vorlesung Do.
- hmm -- kommt auf die Anwendung an!
- in Vorlesung besprochen.
- ?? what "both" types are you talking about?
- Huh? Not following. Colors have nothing to do with MDS.
- Typically, we have a large-data problem. If there are very few data points, one can look at them one-by-one, even in a table view. But it always depends on the application.
- "Visualization for the masses" is a research topic. Hence, Vis of open-Data is challenging and a worthy thing to brainstorm about.
- Zeige ich am Do.
- linear vs. non-linear? Siehe Vorlesung.
- DOn't understand the question, really. The visual encoding of aggregated items could be similar or different, depending on the purposes.
- no. histogram of income would have $ on the x-axis and #-of-people on the y-axis.
- see above. Alternatives -- histograms.
- The most commonly used one is hw-acceleration by GPUs.
- There is a similarity. "continuous scatterplots" are meant with quantitative data. 2D-hists could work with any data.
- we'll talk about this in detail on Thu.
- it's an interaction technique, not meant to be static.
- what part of the explanation in the book did you not understand!?
- you have a wrong book. I don't have a figure on page 258.
- ? dynamic queries are queries the user changes dynamically!
- ??? No -- histograms are discrete beasts. The height of the bar is critical, not it's area (although the are is a constant factor of the height.)

Critique / Additional Notes

- because, in general, I cannot show all data at once. there is not enough room on the screen. :)
- why?
- ?? again, wrong book.
- no. :)
Letzte Änderung: 02.04.2014, 21:18 | 2294 Worte