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- Question is not clear to me -- SPLOMs are made up of many scatterplots. The interpretation of one scatterplot doesn't change?!
- Again, not clear about the question: what concern do you have about the 'window system' on a persons computer? The Vis app is just like any other. Under special circumstances you can make certain assumptions (immersive environment, etc.)
- What else do you suggest to do with the key? Since spatial channel is the most important one, it is "straight forward" to use that one key with space.
- You take the whole and (sub)divide it into 2 (or 3 or more) pieces. Then you *recursively* repeat this procedure for each partition.
- I hope this became clear in class.
- not to my knowledge.
- could be used for more complex data as also explained in class.
- Was ist hier nicht klar? "The greyscale view shows that each layer uses a different range in the luminance channel, providing luminance contrast."
- Was heisst hier "Zeitslot"?? Ueber Animationen haben wir auch gestern geredet.
- Nein -- HIVE benutzt keine Landkarten. Die Nutzer des Systems kennen London gut. Landkarten sind problematisch in vielerlei Hinsicht.
- HIVE ist ein system/tool. Es benutzt als als Methode Treemaps. Das sind zwei Verschiedene Konzepte. Man sagt auch nicht ein "Toyota ist ein fancy name für Auto".
- you can have a single view, show all data and only change the visual encoding (e.g. colour map). Good example were the maps of Florida where we simply changed the colour map.
- Hmm, in general -- no. But it makes sense to have things "that belong" close to each other. E.g. small multiples where the different multiples change over time: in that case similar time steps should be next to each other. With other words, try to "respect the data" as much as you can.
- YOU! (the vis designer)
- you mean the line width? Line width can work well as a highlighting tool, i.e. whichever line the mouse hovers over becomes thicker. That's a good strategy.
- good question.
- glyph and view are different concepts. Syntactically they have to do with size. A glyph is small and we typically use tons of them at once. Views are large, provide lots of detail and we have very few.
- yes, we did
- lots of details in class.
- discussed in class.
- It was discussed on colormaps, see Fig 9.1: bivariat is clear (two colours), sequential-sequential alludes to 2D colormap.
- That's too general -- the whole book talks about it, esp. chapter 5.
- Static -- remains the same, cannot change, can only add or delete. Dynamic -- I can change it through mouse clicks. see Fig 10.9
- Why not? I don't understand the question.
- This is chapter 11 already! It might work in particular applications … but I am not a big fan either. :)
- tricky. Depends on questions you'd like to answer, the amount of data you need to go through and what what level of detail is important to solve a task. Perhaps summary statistics are good enough to filter out a number of irrelevant data ...
- I think the layer idea is about semantics on the one hand -- which items belong together and can't / shouldn't be separated. Further, things in the same layer usually share the same visual encoding. I hope this helps.
- Often times the explanations are due to the fact that we don't know the context in which they were designed and what "visual literacy" the users of these tools already have. So, no, I wouldn't be worried! :)
- sure, but even in 20 years we will have small screens AND big screens. Maybe not LCD 17' monitors, but your living room wall. I don't think that large screens will disappear in favour of small screens. However, doing proper vis for small screens and proper interaction / navigation for touch screens and vis has not been well understood yet. Room for you to make contributions!
- Don't exactly follow, but see answer above -- more research is needed. Vis is not "done" yet.
- Not sure what you are asking. But "Visualization" without interaction is like a car without gas (or a battery) :) It's pretty to look at, but not useful :)
- One cannot answer this question as general as such -- it depends! "Catching your eye" and working with a tool for hours to solve a problem are two different beasts!
- Well, don't give the users too many options. You, as the programmer, are the all-powerful Zen master. If you think three layers and no more -- thy wish shall be granted (well, if you have the sufficient programming skills) :)
- Ich hoffe dies ist in der Vorlesung klar geworden!
- Der Kontrast -- ja, sehr! Wir hatten da einige Beispiele in der Vorlesung!? Wenn immer noch unklar, bitte mit mir reden.
- I hope this became clear in the lecture.
- sure. just like photoshop!?
- yes -- camera angle is considered part of the visual encoding.
- Ich hoffe es hat geholfen!

Critique / Additional Notes

Letzte Änderung: 02.04.2014, 20:42 | 2665 Worte