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- discussed in long detail in class.
- unklar was mit "add depth" gemeint ist. 3D im allgemeinen ist keine gute Idee (mit Ausnahmen für 'spatial' data). 3D ist nur erwähnt für den 'how much' channel der sich nicht für Categorical data eignet!
- n ist eine Variable, die für jeden channel anders ist. Das Model hier ist ein exponentielles.
- Yes, think of a color-steps like here:
- "bin" ist simply a term to express discretization of the continuous scale -- see question above.
- Entweder sollte man einen anderen Channel wählen oder … kreative Ideen entwickeln :) [z.B. die Komplexität der Vis herunter schrauben.]
- Hmmm -- haben wir heute in der Vorlesung hoffentlich deutlich gemacht?!
- Why not? I can change the size of a 2D circular dot just as well as the size of a 3D circular dot?!
- well, there are always trade-offs and Tamara is always trying to give an idea about the scalability for specific visual encodings (in Chapter 7+8).
- I don't have a good one right now. I'll ask Tamara :)
- By not using "how much" channels.
- "besser geeignet" ist falsch. Besser geeignet wäre eine parallele Suche, aber die ist perzeptuell nicht immer möglich.
- Popouts could be used for identifying an item we search for. Many channels support them. I don't understand the last question. Please try to be precise (and elaborate) in your questions, otherwise I cannot give you points for them.
- Often times we utilize the Shneiderman Mantra -- "Overview first …"
- I don't understand your question … please elaborate.
- I hope I clarified this in the lecture today, at least there were no questions! :)
- Again, I hope today's lecture helped in clarifying this.

Questions regardings figures

- To really present alternatives, one has to dive into the application and figure out what people actually want to do! Perhaps they are "searching" for something that we could incorporate an interaction where we selectively highlight one 'Mouse' after the other. Maybe there is a hierarchy within the Mouse type we can exploit, etc. etc.
- Ich hoffe das war dann in der Vorlesung deutlicher!?

General Questions

- In terms of Weber's law -- this is universal. However, some of us can train to enhance their perception in particular ways, e.g. some folks have perfect pitch, etc.
- Which colour space to use is an issue of the purpose/application! RGB is perfectly fine to use in rendering. HSV is better for modelling, etc.
Letzte Änderung: 20.03.2014, 17:02 | 1391 Worte