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- colour map == lookup table; to me it's the same thing, so I don't completely understand your question!? Perhaps this has been cleared up with the lecture and the comments on transfer functions?
- in short: yes. However, often a glyph doesn't just present one scalar but multiple scalars that impact the overall shape. It's a little tricky then! :)
- perhaps you only want to focus on a small (intensity) range of values and get rid of the rest -- that's a simple non-linear scaling.
- Hyperstreamlines, hyper-surfaces, etc. We'll talk about it soon.
- It points out a discrepancy between real life and computational models. It would be really expensive to get closer to the "real world" but it might not always matter for the understanding of the problem/task at hand. Worth to keep in mind.
- Why not? What is it that you are not understanding?
- Yes, it provides the starting point for the local refinement.
- just visualize it by writing down the 8 or 16 different cases for a triangle or a tet.
- they show a small aspect of the data set. I hope that explanations in class helped.
- Flüssigkeiten, Gase, ... Für welche Anwendung auch immmer Du es Dir vorstellen kannst.
- Mit aktueller Hardware ist es kein Problem diese in Echtzeit zu berechnen
- Es geht darum um die lokale "Verschiebungen" / "Veränderungen" die ein Vektorfeld ausdrücken visuell zu veranschaulichen. D.h. jeder Vektor wird lokal ausgeführt (z.B. an einem Rechteck) um zu sehen wie es sich "verbiegt".
- Um wirklich zu definieren, was ein Tensor ist, würde es die VU ein wenig sprengen. Lasst uns das noch einmal in der Tensor-lecture diskutieren.
- I don't think there is anything wrong with the pic. It's just an illustration of what the previous procedure does to a data set.
- As the text states: "$V_{i+1}$ is computed using Euler's method." i.e. from the previous, known, positions transported by the vector field.
- Haben wir gemacht.
- I hope the diffusion tensor example in class made it a bit more helpful.
- Mathematische Techniken: Eigenvektor/-werte-Berechnung, Konvergenz
  In Kapitel 1.4 behandelt.
- process-objects heir sind allgemeiner.
- It's a way to give a (global) overview of the data. We will talk about this a bit more for vector/tensor fields.
- The runge-kutta-method is used in numerical analysis in order to approximate a solution iteratively. Euler's method e.g. is another method.

Critique / Additional Notes

Letzte Änderung: 23.04.2014, 12:30 | 1651 Worte