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Questions to '''prefuse: a toolkit for interactive information visualization'''

- no.
- in der Vorlesung behandelt
- It's a language … you load data into their data table class.
- Definiere "modern"; da prefuse nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird ist die Antwort eher "nein".
- flair, protovis … D3!
- Tabellen!
- prefuse mag Tabellen!
- why not?! :) Only need to write your own drawing routines on top of, e.g. JOGL.
- It's always a difficult question on either providing general building blocks or very specific implementations. The former is harder to use, but more flexible and the latter is easier to use but somewhat constraint to newer ideas. Difficult.
- prefuse was(!) widely used, but now D3 is the big elephant in the room now.
- Interessante Frage -- komplexe Antwort. Dem Thema "Evaluation" ist eine ganze Vorlesung gewidmet. Bitte diese Frage dort mitbringen :)
- Tableau --- we talked about this in todays lecture. Short: yes, but it's VERY hard.
- Nein, aber mit D3.
- depends on too many things. What is it that you want to do, your expertise (in using prefuse, gnuplot) etc. prefuse has  webintegration.
- no! but for many applications it is sufficient.
- I hope this has gotten clearer in today's lecture?!
- yes -- it figures out where on the screen the nodes should be placed (using the spatial channel)
- read--encode--manipulate: same for more 3D data as well as for abstract data!
- We;ll talk about is shortly. It's about arranging nodes of a graph on the screen.
- Wir werden in Kürze in der Vorlesung darüber reden.
- Flair, Protovis, D3, vtk.
- Question is not clear to me!? What filtering algorithms do you know?
- Es handelt sich hier um ein numerisches Verfahren, dass nicht unbedingt immer konvergiert, oder sehr langsam konvergiert. Es ist wichtig dies nach einer endlichen Zeit zu unterbrechen, wenn nötig, auch wenn das Ergebnis nicht "perfekt" ist.
- I suggest to check the dialog between Steven Few and Pat Hanrahan on this very subject: [|] (see comment section)
- Animationen sind umstritten (was deren Effizienz anbetrifft). Aber, viele wollen es und denken nicht ohne dem auszukommen. Ein gutes Beispiel ist gapminder von Hans Rohling, dass ihr in der ersten Vorlesung gesehen habt.
- Groesser als damals! D3 ist überall! :)
- Yes, it isn't the best figure there ever was … I am sure it can be improved. But not everyone speaks UML!!
- no, we will NOT talk about aesthetics in this class. Aesthetics is a whole different can of worms that is very hard! We focus on usability and functionality. That being said, if you really die to find out about graph drawing principles, pick it as your special topic to present in class. I can point you towards these papers, if you like (there are some nice papers). However, the word "aesthetics" is sometimes misused/misunderstood in the Vis community and mixed with "usability". These papers are really about usability, imho.
- Spezielle Arten und Weisen des visual encoding von Daten. Wir werden viele Beispiele sehen (und haben auch schon einige heute gesehen).
- I think one issue for a general toolkit is the uncertainty whether it will be able to "solve all" possible vis scenarios. I.e. is it general enough, yet still easy to use/learn. True, other software tools might have similar issues (SPSS, etc.) others are more tailored to specific applications (univis!).
- You'll get a taste of this with D3. But prefuse has a steep learning curve, but it scales to about 1,000,000 data items, which is pretty decent.
- Knowledge: Tamara's book. However, skill is what is the other ingredient. That'll take a little time (just like with any other trait).
- steep learning curve
- nicht mehr supported
- kann nicht "interpolieren", ie. nicht gut geeignet für quantitative data :)
- e.g. filtering, sorting (widgets)
- a table with multiple keys (e.g. you need a latitude and a longitude to look something up in it)
- First, you need to tell me what *you* understand under "big data". It's a fuzzy, trendy term that is being used a little lightly :) prefuse is scalable to "about" 1,000,000 items.
- It's good to find the right abstraction of the data you are dealing with.

Software engineering questions that go beyond VIS and that are non-trivial to answer. If you really would like an answer, please approach me and we'll figure it out!

- not 100% certain … if Swing and AWT work together than 'yes' :)

Critique / Additional notes

Letzte Änderung: 18.03.2014, 19:01 | 2838 Worte