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VU Database Systems (DBS) (up)

News (up)

We offer an additional date for the theoretical exam on September 25th (10:00 AM HS1). Students who could not attend the first date or who want to improve their grades can take part. Please send an email to «Helmut Wanek» if you plan to take this exam. 

Course Organization (up)

Practical lessons according to registration 
«Information in courses directory» 
Fr 15:00-16:30 (from 08.03.)
PC 2
Fr 16:45-18:15 (from 08.03.)
PC 2
We 16:45-18:15 (from 06.03.)
PC 2
Kickoff class (presence not mandatory) in the first theoretical lecture on 05.03.  
Mandatory presence in the first practical lesson according to registered group. 
Theoretical lectures 
Tu 13:15-14:45 (from 05.03.)
HS 2
«Schikuta», «Wanek»

General information (up)

Classification (up)

The course is an optional part covering 6 ECTS of the core-programme CO-INF2 for the study of Master Computational Sience (910). 

Goals (up)

Students develop knowledge of the theoretical foundations of database systems and learn to program applications with integration of a relational database. 

Prerequistes (up)

Some basic understanding of modeling, algorithms and data structures is assumed. Lacking knowledge can eventually be easily acquired by self study. 

Method and Assessment (up)

The theoretical lectures cover the fundamentals of database systems and offer the knowledge needed for the development of a small application with an integrated database which is the project part of the practical classes. 
The topics covered are: 
- Introduction, Basic Terms and Presentations 
- Fundamentals of Logical Data Organization, Relational Model 
- Database Languages (focus SQL) 
- Integrity and Security 
- Conceptual Modeling 
- Physical Data Organization, Memory-, File- and Index-Structures 
- Query Processing and Optimization 
- Transactions and Recovery 
- Programming with Database Systems 
In each part (theoretical and practical) there is a maximum of 50 marks achievable. The grade is derived from the sum of the two parts (i.e. a maximum of 100 marks in total). 
There are three possibilities to achieve marks: 
- presentation of solved homework tasks and participation in the practical part (20 marks max. - upper limit incl. bonus points) 
- hand in and presentation of a self developed project (30 marks max. - upper limit incl. bonus points) 
- theoretical test (no aids allowed, 50 marks max.) 

Knockout criteria (up)

- presence in the practical lessons 
- hand in and presentation of a project 

Grading (up)

If the knockout criteria are not fulfilled, the grade is "Nicht genügend (5)". Otherwise the grade is calculated from the total amount of marks achieved according to the following table 

Grading Scale (up)

>= 87,5
sehr gut (1)
>= 75
gut (2)
>= 62,5
befriedigend (3)
>= 50
genügend (4)
< 50
nicht genügend (5)
Letzte Änderung: 07.08.2019, 12:01 | 589 Worte